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Summary of conferences in 2017; Directions, tasks of 2018

  14:33 15/01/2018
On 21/12/2017, the Regional Politics Institute of Region I held a conference to summarize the work in 2017; Directions, tasks in 2018.

Attending the conference were Associate Prof. Dr. Le Quoc Ly, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy; Prof. Pham Thi Thanh, President of Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy; the comrades in the Board of Directors, the Party Executive Committee and all officers and employees in the Academy.
The conference was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Vinh Thanh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director of the Academy.

Associate Prof. Dr. Le Quoc Ly addressed the conference

At the meeting, delegates listened to Dr. Dau Tuan Nam, Deputy Director of the Institute presenting the draft report of the 2017 Review and the direction and tasks in 2018. The comments at the conference focused on Outstanding results as well as difficulties and problems on the work of each unit and the Academy. From there, propose solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of the work for 2018, creating a positive premise for the next years.

Speaking at the conference, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Quoc Ly on behalf of the Party Committee, the Board of Directors of the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy acknowledged, appreciating the results on all aspects of work that the Political Academy Region I achieved in 2017, and suggested some direction of operation of the whole system of the Academy next year. He hopes that in 2018, the Political Academy of Region I will continue to promote the results achieved in this direction so that it is always worthy of being the leading unit of the whole system of the Academy.

Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Nguyen Vinh Thanh on behalf of the Party Committee, Board of Directors, staff and employees of the Political Academy of Region I accepted and committed to detail the idea. the direction of Mr. Le Quoc Ly and his comments at the conference; Mr. Comrade affirmed that in 2018 as well as the next years, the Board of Directors as well as all officials, employees will continue to promote the results achieved in 2017, unity, consensus to Effectively implement the work plan in 2018, on the basis of the general plan of the year, to draw up detailed plans quarterly and monthly to facilitate the direction and administration. He also asked the Board of Directors, the functional units of the National Political Academy Ho Chi Minh continue to pay attention, promptly leading and directing the Institute of Political Region I to complete the assigned tasks. .

The conference also conducts summaries of beauty contests and organizes lists of files for individuals with excellent pigmentation in 2017.

The summit meeting in 2017, deploying tasks in 2018 has been promoted the responsibility, solidarity, creativity, bidding efforts of the whole work, members of the regional academy I in executing and the completion of the tasks of the Party, the State and the staff of the transaction.

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