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Launching the emulator movement and deployment of tasks in 2018

  14:39 15/01/2018
In the morning of January 11, 1818, the Political Academy of Region II (Institute II) organized a ceremony to launch the emulation movement and deploy the task in 2018.

At the ceremony, there were comrades in the Board of Directors, Party Committee, Executive Committee of Trade Union, Youth Union; together with all civil servants, employees and employees of the Institute II.

At the conference, Assoc. Pham Minh Tuan - Member of Standing Committee of Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh Political Academy, Secretary of Party Committee, Director of Academy II has deployed tasks and launched the emulation movement in 2018. Based on the master The 2018 emulation movement of the Ho Chi Minh Political Academy "Democracy, Creativity, Integrity and Quality", the emulation movement of Institute 2018 must come from practical requirements with The spirit of "discipline, innovation, efficiency and democracy" has created a positive effect, motivating and encouraging the units and individuals in the whole institute to well perform the assigned political tasks.
He emphasized that the units, all officials and employees of Academy II should pay attention to the emulation contents as "Continue to implement discipline, innovation, efficiency and promote democracy". to complete the key tasks in training and fostering; scientific research; organization and personnel; financial work, logistics; ensuring the synchronous and synchronous; improvement of administrative procedures; continue to build strong party organizations and unions. In order to well carry out the emulation movement, each unit and individual shall take initiative in elaborating plans and concretizing their assigned tasks so as to complete their professional tasks on schedule, achieving productivity and quality assurance.
On behalf of the trade unionists, Mr. Le Van Thanh, Head of the Office, Chairman of the Trade Union of the Institute II, expressed his unanimity and expressed his determination and warmly responded to the emulation movement led by Assoc. Pham Minh Tuan launched. He emphasized the determination to perform well the main contents: for training and nutrition; scientific research; with administrative activities, service, logistics; Continue to deepen Study and follow ideology, ethics, style Ho Chi Minh. He also believes that in 2018, Academy II will continue to reap more success, the emulation movement is increasingly going into essence, promoting the excellent completion of political tasks that the Party, State and leaders of the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy.

Representatives of the teaching units, Mr. Nguyen Thi Hoa Phuong - Deputy Head of Party History emphasized the importance of patriotic emulation. He enthusiastically responded to the emulation movement launched by Director II and was determined to perform some of the key tasks in teaching, scientific research and in other movements. He also expresses the determination to accomplish excellently the political tasks, to make meritorious achievements for the great holidays, to build the Institute II increasingly strong, meet the requirements and political tasks in the new era. .
The ceremony ended on the same day.

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