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The conference of civil servants and public officials will review the work in 2017 and deploy the task in 2018

  14:50 15/01/2018
On 29/12/2017, the Politics Academy Region IV held a conference on civil servants and officials to review the work in 2017 and deploy the task in 2018.


Dr. Nguyen Viet Thao, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy; The Board of Directors of the Political Academy of Region IV together with all civil servants, employees and employees.

The conference heard the report summarizing the results of the implementation of political tasks in 2017, deploying the direction and tasks of the year; The report summarizing the results of the Party's work in 2017 and the main tasks and tasks in 2018; Brief report on the results of implementing democracy in the work of the agency in 2017, tasks in 2018; Summary report of the emulation and reward work in 2017; Financial disclosure in 2017; Summary report of the People's Inspectorate 2017 and task orientation 2018.

Associate Professor Nguyen Viet Thao, Deputy Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy awarded the medal "For the cause of examination of the Party" to Dr. Nguyen Thanh Hung, Deputy Director of the Political Academy of Region IV

As of the end of December 2017, the Institute has 18 units under the Director with a total of 102 public servants, employees and employees. Professional qualifications include: 01 Assoc., 12 TS, 58 MSc, 16 bachelors, 04 intermediate and 11 other qualified. There are 05 senior and equivalent officials, 15 chief and equivalent officers, 66 specialists and equivalent, 02 officers and equivalent, the remaining 14 are comrades of other qualifications.

In 2017, the institute has opened a total of 26 classes (including CCLLCT, Graduate and Fellowships) with 1900 students; It closed 23 classes of CCL with 1829 students. Currently, the institute manages 35 classes with 2225 trainees, compared with 2016, in 2017 the Regional Political Academy IV has been assigned the target of increasing 03 layers of CC.

The institute has taken over five projects at the grassroots level and two ministry-level projects. Successfully organized 02 scientific seminars: "Improving the quality of lecturers teaching political theory in the provinces of the Mekong Delta"; "Resilience to Climate Change in the Mekong Delta" with the participation of many scientists inside and outside the Institute.

Successfully organized 02 delegations according to plan (delegation visited and worked at Yunnan Administration Academy and delegation visited and worked at University of Auckland, New Zealand) and welcomed 02 delegations outside the plan (Group Delegation 4 Embassy of Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Delegation of the German Ministry of Justice.

In 2017, the Inspectorate Department has advised the Director to carry out an administrative inspection, verifying public opinion regarding the misrepresentation by the Institute's officials. Carrying out two examinations on the implementation of the Advanced Academic Theoretical Training Regulations at the Major Classes opened by the Academy in the provinces, through tests has contributed to re-discipline the discipline training.

The basic construction has made certain changes. Accordingly, the package of construction and installation of classrooms 2, construction and installation of housing 05-storey floor template 2, construction technical infrastructure ... under the project of building the Academy of Politics - Administration area IV (Phase II) has been completed and handed over. At present, the Institute is continuing to mobilize the social housing projects for students in the intensive training courses from the contribution and support of provinces and cities in the South West.

Based on the results achieved in 2017, the Institute of Political Region IV will set out the tasks and tasks in 2018 as follows:

1. To concentrate on building and raising the quality of the contingent of public servants. Tightening apparatus, merging some units in the spirit of the 6 th Central Resolution XII.

2. Strengthening the management and raising the quality of training. To build the emulation movement for study, the sense of observing the internal rules and regulations on learning for the students of the grade and level courses.

3. Improve the quality and ensure progress in scientific activities. Focusing on solving theoretical and practical issues in the Mekong Delta in particular and the country in general.

4. For international cooperation, to further expand external relations with other partners in the region and in the world.

5. Improving the quality of inspection and examination; promote magazine work; To provide information and materials to meet the requirements of training and scientific research of cadres, civil servants and learners.

6. Improve the quality and efficiency of the staff's counseling, logistics, service, protection and the establishment of cultural and safety agencies. Strengthen the material facilities and ensure the administrative, financial and logistical conditions. To step by step strengthen the organization and operation of the Office in the direction of modernity, ensuring the good service of the Academy. To continue well performing the work of financial and asset management, to build payrolls in association with tasks, supplement and complete the autonomy regulation in the direction of saving and creating additional incomes for public servants and employees. make joint venture, link, lease some services, generate revenue.

7. Promote mass organizations. To thoroughly grasp the Party's undertakings and resolutions, the State's policies and laws, especially the policy guidelines related to the operation of the Academy system. To organize and well organize patriotic emulation movements associated with the promotion of study and follow of Ho Chi Minh's ideas, ethics and style, thereby discovering, fostering and propagating new factors. , examples in the work of emulation and commendation.

8. To well implement the Regulation on democracy in the activities of the Academy. Promote the role of mass organizations such as Trade Union, Youth Union. Promote and improve the effectiveness of the emulation movement, contributing to the excellent completion of the assigned political tasks.

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