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Prime Minister attends the Academy’s opening ceremony of the new schoolyear

  09:34 16/01/2018
Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Vietnam, attended the opening ceremony of the schoolyear 2017-2018 of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics in the morning of September 5.

The event also saw the participation of the members of the Party Central Committee, including Minister of Government Office Mai Tien Dung, Minister of Information and Communication Truong Minh Tuan, and Deputy Minister of Public Security Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thanh. Other participants included leaders of central ministry and commission such as Office of Party Central Committee, the Government Office, the Central Mass Mobilization Committee, the Central Economic Commission, the Central Theoretical Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education and Training, and the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences.

Participants from the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics included Prof, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Member of the Party Central Committee, Party Secretary, cum President of the Academy; Prof. Le Huu Nghia and Prof. Ta Ngoc Tan, former presidents of the Academy; vice presidents and former vice presidents of the Academy; members in the Standing Committee of the Communist Party; leaders of departments of the Academy; leaders of city and provincial School of Politics; lecturers and new students.

Speaking at the ceremony, on behalf of the Party and Government leaders, the Prime Minister sent his best wishes to teachers and students in Vietnam in general and to lecturers and students of the Academy in particular.

He emphasized the importance of training, educating and building the capacity for the leaders of the Party and the State. President Ho Chi Minh, who initiated training cause of the Party once said: “Cadres are the root of every work. Therefore, training cadres is the rooted work of the Party.”

Along with other training institutions of the Party, the Ho Chi Minh Academy of Politics played a specially important role in the Party’s achievements. In the past 68 years, the Academy has developed comprehensively, contributing significantly to the capacity building of leaders and managers, who are both politically and professionally competent. Millions of officials, who were trained and educated at the Academy, have taken important positions in the Party, in the Government, and in the political system. In the past term, the Academy had cooperated with the Central Organization Commission to successfully organize six training courses for 511 potential high-level officials, of which 113 officials became members of the 12th Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc made a speech at the opening ceremony of the schoolyear 2017-2018 of the Academy

The Prime Minister agreed in principle with the Academy directions and tasks in the schoolyear 2017-2018 under the slogan “Breakthrough, Creativity, Quality and Efficiency” as stated by Academy President Nguyen Xuan Thang. Besides, he pointed out several important issues.

First, it is important to continue strengthening and raising the status of the Academy as the high-level political Party School of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party. The Academy needed to continue to affirm its position as the only national center whose functions are training and educating leaders and managers for the political system and as the national scientific research center on Marxism, Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, political science, and other social sciences and humanities. The training, scientific research, path and policy advisory must show the identity of the highest level school of the Party.

Second, the Academy had to focus on renovating and improving the quality of personnel training and educating. It is important to renovate the contents of the training programs in basic, systematic, modern and practical ways. Moreover, the Academy had to standardize advanced political theoretical programs, which need to be both scientific and practical. It needed to continue improving contents and methods to enhance the interaction between lecturers and students; boosting the liveliness and attractiveness of the lectures; improving management and leadership skills and ensuring to link theory with practice in training that is appropriate for leaders and managers in different departments and fields. It is also important to attach special importance to training requirements on political ideology, morality, manner, and lifestyle.

Third, the Academy has to enhance scientific research to improve the training and educating quality and to contribute to the scientific bases and practices to inform the guidelines, strategies, policies and laws of the Party and the Government. In the coming time, the Academy needs to make more efforts to have better research results and practical summaries, high-quality reports and recommendations, which will contribute significantly to the scientific foundation and practices so the Party and the Government can plan guidelines and strategies to develop Vietnam and defend the country in the context of interweaved opportunities, advantages, challenges, and difficulties.

As the research center on political theories of the Party and the Government, the Academy is required to focus on scientific arguments and persuasive points for some urgent issues. They are: (1) Content, operation mechanism and solutions for the relationship between economic reform and political reform in Vietnam; (2) Specific criteria for scientific points that establish and develop advanced relations of production in line with the development of production forces as emphasized in the Document of the 12th National Party Congress; (3) Theoretical and practical foundation of a tectonic government; (4) The relationships between national development and governance and global governance in the context of the industrial revolution 4.0; (5) The relationship between the Party’s leadership, State governance, and the People’s autonomy. The Prime Minister believed that with a large team of outstanding and enthusiastic scientists, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics would fulfil these requirements and duties.

Fourth, the Academy needs to proactively develop human resources to meet the requirements and duties in the new situation; enhance the development of a group of well-educated managers, scientists, lecturers, and researchers who are loyal to the Party, knowledgeable in theories, and strategic in thinking as well as have good qualifications and teaching methods, and practical experience in leadership and management. These virtues made officials and lecturers of the Party schools to be different from officials and professors of nationwide universities and educational institutions.

Fifth, the Academy has to continue enhancing the modernization of its facilities to meet the needs for learning and teaching of students and lecturers. It also needs to boost information technology application in the training and management, especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister specified that students needed to understand thoroughly and fulfil these following duties: continuously enriching their political will, cultivating revolutionary ideals, remaining steadfast with the goal of national independence and socialism. These were top priorities for key leaders and managers in the political system, who regularly practiced revolutionary morality with diligence, thrift, incorruptibility, integrity, public-spirited and selflessness, and had an honest, modest, and simple life as mentioned several times by Uncle Ho.

“You are trusted and selected to be trained at the Academy by Party Executive Committees. This assures your political virtues, ideology and morality. However, it does not mean that you can be subjective and downplay the cultivation of your virtues in the Party and constant enrichment of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality, and style. You need to be aware of the pride and responsibility of being a student of the Party school. More than ever, you need to proactively study to improve your knowledge and enhance your creativity. Nobody can take the current difficulty, negativity, obstacle and challenge as the excuse for doing things, which is against the status and honor of the officials. On the contrary, the more challenges that reality poses to us, the more we have to train ourselves in morality, ideal and virtues of the public servants of the people as instructed by Uncle Ho”, said the Prime Minister.

He added that students need to proactively study and research to understand Marxist-Leninist theories, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology thoroughly as well as catch up with modern knowledge required for their working fields. It is necessary for students to enhance their capacity for self-study. They need to study seriously, actively and creatively. Besides, students needed to imbed the spirit of doi moi (renovation) of the country in more than 30 years and had proper awareness and act in accordance with Marxism, Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology. The Prime Minister also advised students to attach theory with practice and combine academic knowledge with practical experience to learn and understand reality.

The Prime Minister expressed his belief that the Academy would accomplish the duties entrusted by the Party Central Committee and the Government. He affirmed that the Government and the Prime Minister always support the Academy and looked forward to its good results in the school year 2017-2018 and in the coming time.


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